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发表于 2006-2-11 21:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<font size="3">Monday and Tuesday, February 13-14, 2006 <br/>Madison Square Garden <br/>Pennsylvania Plaza <br/>Seventh to Eighth Avenues and 31st to 33rd Streets <br/>New York, New York <br/>America's First and Only <br/>Champions Only Dog Show <br/>Entry limited to 2,500 dogs <br/>Individual breed judging will take place each day between the hours of 8:30AM and 6PM. <br/>The Group and Best In Show competition will be televised <br/>live on USA Network from 8-11PM Monday and Tuesday <br/>165 Breeds and Varieties will be judged in seven different groups during the day Monday and Tuesday*. <br/>All Working, Terrier, Toy, and Non-Sporting breeds and varieties will be judged on Monday, with Groups judged on Monday evening. <br/>All Sporting, Hound, and Herding breeds and varieties will be judged on Tuesday, with Groups judged on Tuesday evening. Best In Show will also be judged on Tuesday evening. <br/>Junior Showmanship preliminaries will be judged each afternoon, with the finals to be held at 7:30PM on Tuesday evening. 2006 Junior Showmanship Eligibility Requirements <br/>美国时间2006年2月13日—14日周一和周二,在位于纽约市第七广场到八大道第31 到第33纽约街之间的宾夕法尼亚麦迪逊花园广场(体育馆)内,在这两天的上午8:00——下午6:00举行有2500只冠军狗参加的全犬种比赛。犬组总决赛和全场最佳决赛将从晚上8:00——11:00在美国网络上电视直播。 <br/>在周一和周二两天总共165个不同种类的狗将分为七组进行比赛。周一进行工作犬组、梗犬组、玩具犬组和非运动犬组的比赛,晚上进行犬组总决赛。周二进行运动犬组、猎犬组、牧羊犬组比赛,晚上进行犬组总决赛。BIS(全场总冠军)按惯例将在周二晚评出。 <br/>这两天的下午举行初级指导手比赛,决赛将在周二晚上7:30举行。评选出2006年初级指导手合格者。 </font><br/>
发表于 2008-7-9 11:28 | 显示全部楼层
短毛松狮犬; _8 o8 A) T4 e* \0 r1 @/ N
  q; w- x3 m2 z! s  t/ P松狮狗照片
6 x; j$ {  I$ Z% T% p
发表于 2008-8-15 03:28 | 显示全部楼层
白松狮种公买卖( ?  p/ Q5 V/ j) J2 L
" G7 ]2 C/ \) R3 [/ |2 w' a7 T" x松狮狗的价格6 ^5 D1 D1 I4 W/ u7 n" c! `
发表于 2008-10-7 04:28 | 显示全部楼层
/ k; d1 s/ D3 [/ S4 _3 a' a; R松狮犬
% {' G. m& Y7 y. x" y' s- B% T大肉嘴松狮3 U, e- R! I7 Y( i# o% T- e6 \) u9 y
发表于 2008-10-14 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
奶油色松狮犬图片6 i/ ?, Q4 L; N0 Z9 y
" U4 B  s" B) c) M$ GCHOW CHOW3 C- C) E, {* k. c6 e
发表于 2009-6-8 01:05 | 显示全部楼层
' L( ]4 k- c& h! r尖嘴松狮图片欣赏/ K" K& C& f! [' o: f" m
白松狮价格2 d0 H8 H3 _% L  q1 g0 a
发表于 2020-2-8 06:32 | 显示全部楼层
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