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chow chow information

发表于 2008-2-11 17:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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chow chow information
There’s a beautiful and ancient fairy-tale that says that while God painted the sky blue, he was followed by a determined Chow Chow who licked up the drops that fell with his tongue. As you know, each fairytale comes with some truth, but this tale has two truths: one, that this breed does have a blue tongue and second, that its origins began with God's Creation!
This is just one of many myths surrounding this breed. Another fascinating myth is the one that tells of the Chow Chow being a descendent of bears rather than wolves. Unbelievable, but could Nature have twisted this breed’s evolution just a little?

Whatever the truth may be, you’re bound to find that your Chow Chow is a breed apart –that he’s not like any other dog breed. Doesn’t his independent nature bother you? Or his blue tongue? Or the way he moves? And what about his reserve? Oh, the Chow Chow is certainly different from every other dog breed.
Since ages, the mystery behind this fascinating breed continues. There are those who believe that he is a dog but that he doesn’t really behave like any other dog. After all, he goes hunting, but not like proper hunting dogs. He’s said to be a guardian but he’s not your typical watchdog. He is a companion dog but not like any other we know. He eats what every other dog eats but with so much caution.
The sad fact of the matter is that when the Chow Chow enters a dog show, he is judged just like any other breed, by following certain norms to the exclusion of others. This is reason for the decline of the breed. Instead, this breed should be judged on the basis of his behavior, responses and majesty, among others.
History bears testimony that this aristocratic breed was first wowed in England and then everywhere else. In the beginning of the XIX century, this dog was first gifted to the London Zoo as a "half-savage" dog. But in 1880 he entered a dog show for the first time and a decade later the Kennel Club recognized this breed. In 1895, when the first English Chow-Chow Club was founded, it also helped lay the foundations of the breed standard.
Much water has flowed under the bridges since then and Chow-Chow first began appearing on cigarette packs—something that continues to this day. His endearing face can also be seen on tea packets, playing cards, postcards, envelopes and stamps. This is the worldwide popularity of this breed that’s loved wherever it goes, despite its unpopular traits.

chow chow information
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