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Foot Grooming Chow Chow Nail Trimming

发表于 2008-2-11 15:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Foot Grooming Chow Chow Nail Trimming
This Diagram shows a dogs nail. For a Chow Chow dog with white nails, trimming is easier, as you can see the quick (The Quick is a Vein of Blood). (Good lighting helps too) For a dog with Black nails, trimming is harder.
You do not want to clip the quick, or the dog will be scared to let you try again. So I recommend with Black nails to trim on the longer side to be safe...Until you get to know where the quick is. If you cannot trim your dogs nails, take your dog to the Vets or a Groomers. Many owners find this difficult.

The quick will retract back, the more often you trim the nails over time.

These are some tools owners use for nails...(pictures) These are my picks. It is wise to have quick stop on hand to stop the bleeding if you accidentally hit a quick. If you do not have any, and blood will not stop, apply pressure and sometimes ice or flour will work..

If you start cutting your puppies nails from day one,,, then nail cutting will be accepted as routine as an adult. Most dogs do not like the feel, of getting their nails trimmed.  SO>>>>>>>> Remember that PROPER introduction to this activity, is Extremely Important for continued success.

A Chow Chow dogs Nails should not touch the ground, so if you hear clicking, (clickety click) on your hard floors, it is time to trim.

Some dogs that walk a lot on hard surfaces, will maintain their own nails at a proper length.

Nails need to be trimmed once per month

Trimming Slipper Feet

Long haired breeds grow hair between the pads of their feet. This is uncomfortable, and needs to be removed. The fastest way is with electric clippers, but blunt scissors work equally as well.  Remember to go slow, you never want to slip. If you are uncomfortable doing this, then you should be taking your dog to a groomers, for things that you cannot do.

If you do not trim the slipper feet of long haired breeds, then the dog when running on hardwood, tile, or lino floors can slip; it is like wearing slippery slippers. This hair on the bottom of the foot should be removed so the dog can properly grip the floor with his/her pads. Toe nails should not be heard clicking on the floor either.

Remember to trim the excess hair from between the pads of a long haired dog.

Very bad case of slipper feet

After they have been groomed
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