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发表于 2005-3-13 23:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<b>评审者观察方法——译自美国杜宾犬俱乐部 </b><p align="center"><font face="Verdana">A Judges Perspective By Faye Strauss</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><font face="Verdana"><p><font face="Verdana">《评审者观察方法》 </font><font face="Verdana">作者: </font><font face="Verdana">Faye Strauss</font></p></font><p><font face="Verdana">(Learning is a process, not an event. An effective teaching experience combines the written and the interactive, refined by live observation.</font></p><p></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><font face="Verdana">(知识来自于是一个相互关联的系列活动过程,而不是一个孤立的事件。 这是一个来自于生动观察提炼的,有效的,书面的和互动式的教学经验。)</font> <p><i><font face="Verdana">As chairman of the DPCA Judges Education Committee I have a responsibility to inform the fancy of, in lay terms, how a judge interprets the Standard to select a winning Dobe. I think it is important each fancier take the time to read the official Standard for the Doberman Pinscher. The Standard is available on the AKC and DPCA web sites.)</font> <p><font face="Verdana"></font></p></i></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">当 DPCA 的主席认为我所负责的教育委员有责任用通俗的语言阐述“一个评审员如何解释选择获胜杜宾的标准”的时候,我认为:重要的是,每个爱好者应该花时间了解杜宾犬 Pinscher 的官方标准。 (标准可以在 AKC 和 DPCA 网站上获得)。</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">The judge’s first impression is the overall dog. Our Doberman handlers are some of the best in the world. They can make almost any dog look perfect in a stack, even to an experienced judge. The judge has only two and a half minutes to look at each dog so the well-presented dog has the advantage. Look for a square dog of medium size who is balanced. Does he have as much leg as depth of body? Is he deep to the elbows? Do his front angles match his rear angles? Is the length of the neck in proportion to the body and the head? Does his head look long but is it in proportion to the rest of the dog? Does he have heavy bone? Is he powerful, elegant, alert, determined, muscular, noble and is he compactly built? Many dogs have longer underlines than toplines. This can be caused by a straight upper arm which may cause a dog to look longer in length (more rectangular) than he actually is.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">评审员的第一印象是狗整体的感觉。 我们的杜宾犬Handler是一些世界上最优秀的Handler。 他们即使面对富有经验的评审员,几乎能使任何一只狗在stack时表现非常优秀。 法官只有两分半钟的时间观察每只狗,所以表现出色的狗会得到额外关注的。 找一只匀称的中等身材、体型方正的犬。 他的腿的长度和胸深一样吗? 他的胸深和肘关节位置一致吗? 他的前驱角度和后驱的角度匹配吗? 脖子的长度和身体及头部的比例协调吗? 他的头部看着长但是与其他的部位成比例吗? 他有足够的骨量吗? 他是否强壮而优雅?是否警觉、坚决、强壮, 气质高贵而结构紧凑? 许多狗有比较长的腹线和背线。 这可能因笔直的上臂导致一只狗看起来要比实际上的长度 (更象矩形)要长。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana">Having finished the initial observation the dogs are moved as a group. Is anyone limping? Search for a fluid, powerful efficient gait that is balanced. Balance is very important and means that the gait generated by the rear drive is compatible with an equally angulated front to produce enough reach so the rear foot lands in the same spot as the front foot of the opposite side. Is the topline straight and smooth and does it hold while gaiting. Does the dog <u>appear</u> square or is it long in back or short in leg? Does it lack body? Is the tail carried only slightly above the horizontal? Is the gaiting carriage proud? At this point observe the dogs standing and moving from the side.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">完成最初观察后的狗列队移动。(注意观察)有狗跛行吗? 寻找流畅、平衡有力的步态。平衡非常重要的,它意谓着整体的步态决定于后驱产生的推进力和前部分以一个相等的角度相协调,使后足的落点和前足的落点一致。 在运动状态下,狗的背线平直流畅吗?狗的体型是方的吗?背线长还是腿短? 它身体瘦弱吗? 尾部是不是始终在水平线以上? 是马步的步态吗? 从这点观察这些狗的站姿和从一侧观察它们的步态。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana">Next is the individual examination. Condition, attitude and show training come into play. Now is the time to reconfirm your initial side view impression with the overall dog. Approach the front, look at the head, breadth and depth of chest, and size and color of markings. Are the legs muscular and sinewy with heavy bone? Are the feet cat like? Place the head between your hands and look at expression. Is he stable, alert and confident? Feel the underjaw. Is the line from the skull to the muzzle unbroken and is it wedge shaped? Note the eyes for correct placement, shape, color and size. Are the ears set high? Is the skull too wide or too narrow, or just right? Looking from the side, view parallel planes and check for a slight stop, and depth of muzzle. Is the muzzle strong? Common deviations are snippy, pointy muzzles lacking underjaw, narrow heads that are not wedge shaped and round and/or light eyes.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">下一个阶段是个别的检查。 身体条件、气质和进入状态的SHOW训练素质。 现在是重新确定你在一旁观查获得的最初印象的时候了。接近前面,观察头部、胸部的宽度和深度、印记的大小和颜色。 腿是否肌肉发达、坚韧、有足够的骨量? 足部象猫足吗? 把它的的头部放在你的两手之间观察它的表情。 他是否安定、警觉、注意力集中和自信? 感觉下颚。从头盖骨到鼻口之间的线条是否顺滑并且呈楔型? 注意眼睛的位置、形状、颜色和大小是否正确? 耳朵的位置高吗? 头盖骨是太宽还是太狭窄?, 还是正好? 从侧面观察平行的平面和一个轻微的止部、吻部的深度。吻部是否强壮?常见的偏离有snippy, pointy muzzles lacking underjaw,狭窄的、不是楔子的头部和圆的及淡色的眼睛。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">The hands on examination is next. Check for muscle tone, placement and width of shoulders, snuggness of elbows to body, and coat texture. Then, look at the rear, checking turn of stifle, equal length of upper and lower thigh, slightly rounded muscular croup, perpendicular hocks, and tailset. Look for a muscular rear, both on the inside and the outside of the legs, with parallel hocks set wide enough so the front feet can be seen just inside the rear feet. Is the rear cow hocked or bowed? Is the width of the hips equal to the width of the rib cage and shoulders? Is the dog slab sided (lack of rib spring) or barrel ribbed (too wide)? Are pasterns firm and almost perpendicular to the ground? Common deviations would be: shoulders that are set too far forward, straight shoulders, short upper arms, straight upper arms, lack of angulation – front or rear, long lower thigh, flat croup, high tail set, long loin, and lack of muscle in the upper thigh either on the inside or outside, as well as lack of muscle on the lower thigh.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">下面的检查使用手。 检查肌肉和骨骼、肩部的位置和宽度、肘部和身体靠近程度、被毛的质地。 然后,观察后面, 检查turn of stifle,相同长度的上腿和下腿,肌肉微圆的臀部 ,垂直的踝关节 , 和尾跟位。不论在后腿的内侧和外侧,后驱应强壮, 平行的两个踝关节间距应该够宽,从正后方两个后足之间可以看到前肢。 后肢是否是牛样跗关节和弯曲? 臀部的宽度和肋部及肩部的宽度相等吗? 狗肋部是平板的(肋骨弯曲不足)还是桶状肋(太宽)? 跗关节是否坚固并且几乎垂直地面。通常的偏离会是: 肩部位置太靠前,肩胛骨角度不对,上臂短,上臂直, angulation 不足——前或后下腿过长,平坦的臀部,尾跟位高,腰部长,上肢的内侧或外侧肌肉不发达,以及下肢的肌肉不发达。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">The handler shows the mouth, or, if necessary, it may be checked by the judge. Count the teeth in groups, noting 42 correctly placed, strongly developed, white, teeth. The first group is the 6 incisors, the next group is the four premolars on the bottom and top of each side, and the final group is the three top molars and two molars on the bottom of each side. Four or more missing teeth is a disqualification. The bite is checked. It should be a true scissors bite. Is it level, over or undershot? Overshot more than 3/16 inch and undershot more than 1/8 inch are disqualifications. Deviations are level bites, extra premolars, missing incisors, premolars and/or back molars, and poor occlusion.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">Handler展示嘴部,或者如果需要的,由评审员直接检查。 清点牙齿的数量,注意42颗牙齿的位置正确,发育牢固且白。第一组是6颗门齿,第二组是每边的底部和顶端上的四个小臼齿,最后的一组是两边顶端三颗臼齿和底部的二颗臼齿。 四颗及四颗以上的缺齿要被取消比赛资格。 咬合检查,它应该是真正的剪式咬合。它是否是水平咬合?还是上超咬合或下超咬合? 上超咬合超过 3/16英寸和下超咬合超过 1/8英寸要被取消比赛资格。水平咬合,多出的臼齿,缺失门齿、小臼齿及后面的臼齿 , 和闭合不正都属于缺陷。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">The handler is asked to move the dog down and back on a loose lead, at a moderate pace. A good handler can lessen faults. A cow-hocked dog is moved quickly going away. Conversely a dog close in rear is walked away at a slower pace. Front deviations can also be obscured. </font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Handler被要求在一个宽松的牵引下以适度的速度往返移动狗。 一个好的Handler能减少失误。 一只有牛样及弯曲跗关节的狗会被他很快地被移动走开。 相反,一只后驱靠近(宽度不够)狗会以一个比较慢的速度离开。前面的缺陷也能被隐藏。 </font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Crossovers are minimized moving quickly at the judge and not in a straight line. These are nuances of handling and require years of experience. Some judges require a triangle but the down and back seems more efficient. Watch the dog going around to assess side movement. Coming and going check for legs moving in a straight line. In the sound mover the front legs are an extension of the shoulder and gradually converge towards the center as speed increases. Common deviations are moving too wide in front, too close in rear, side-winding, paddling, high stepping, loose elbows, flipping pasterns, and other inefficient gaits that prevent the dog from tireless, ground covering movement. Many times dogs do not move as well as they could because they are not in condition or are poorly trained. It is also difficult to evaluate a dog who is looking up at his handler or sniffing the ground. The well-conditioned and trained dog moves in a straight line down and back, with drive and determination. Many handlers cause their dogs to move inefficiently by using a tight lead. The dog on a loose lead moves best.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">转折线路被减到最少,在评审员前很快地移动而且不在一条直线上。 这些牵犬(动作的)配合操作需要多年的经验。 一些评审员要求除了往返的运动外(以)一个三角形(运动)似乎很有效。观察狗的转圈运动来评估它的side movement。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana">(通过)来和去检查腿部的运动是否在一条直线上。在一个完好的动态中,前腿是肩的延长并且在速度加快时逐渐地移向身体的中心。 通常的缺陷有前肢移动时(距离)太宽, 后肢太接近, side-winding,划桨步,高踏步,loose 肘部, flipping 跗关节, 以及其他导致狗不能不知疲倦、持续运动的无效率步态。许多时候狗不能尽其所能地良好运动是因为他们不在状态或训练不足。评估一只正在看他的Handler或正在嗅地面的狗也是困难的。一只精神抖擞和经过良好训练的犬,凭借驱动力和坚定(的心理状态)在一条笔直的路线上往返运动。 很多Handler使用紧迫的牵引方法造成他们的狗无效率运动。 一个在宽松的牵引下的狗运动得最好。</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">The dog is returned and free stacked. Here is where the temperament and attitude meet with the judge’s toughest evaluation. In the free stack look for a dog who stands his ground confidently. As the judge moves around him he may flick an ear or turn his head to see who is there, but he remains calm and composed. The dog should be aware of the judge moving around him and not just fixed on the liver. At this point it can readily be seen where he naturally puts his feet. The true topline, tailset, head and neck carriage are apparent. Put a lot of stock in dogs that exude energy, are alert and show fearlessness.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">狗转回并自由stacked。 就是在这里接受评审员最苛刻的关于气质和态度的评估。在自由stacked状态中找一只神情自信地的站在那里的狗。如果评审员在他周围移动时,它可能轻弹它的耳朵或者转头看:谁在那里?但是他会依然保持平稳和姿态。狗应该意识到评审员围他的移动并且不会just fixed on the liver。 在这点上它能被看到,他的脚毫不迟疑地放在很自然的位置。很清楚地显示真实的背线,尾跟位,头和脖子的姿态。表现出力量、警觉并且毫不畏惧的狗一定做了大量的准备。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Upon completion of individual examinations the final group is determined. If the class is eight or more, place the dogs in their tentative order. Then the class is moved once or twice around and watch them stop. At this point another down and back may be done with the top contenders, watching carefully how they stop. Then the class is placed. Many times exhibitors ask why the last down and back didn’t result in a change of placement. The reason is, in the final analysis, he moves well enough to confirm his win.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">在完成个别的检查后决定最终的组。 如果the class is eight or more,按照暂时的次序排置。 然后要求他们环绕运动一两次并观察他们停止。在这点上要求可能表现最好的几个往返(运动),认真地察看他们如何停止。然后确定等级。 许多次展示者问为什么那个最后往返运动的犬不在位置变化的结果中出现。 理由是:在最后的分析中, 他运动地很好地已经足够确定他的胜利。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Many times a beautiful dog doesn’t win. This can be due to deviations. As an exhibitor or spectator you may not be seeing the dog toeing in or out, or flat feet in the grass. You definitely won’t see missing teeth or an incorrect bite. In Europe judges must dictate critiques that are posted so everyone knows why the judge did what he did. American judges are spared this exercise.</font></p><p><font face="Verdana">许多次一只漂亮的狗不能赢。 这可能是由於缺陷。 比如展示者或观众你可能看不见狗的趾踏在里面或在外面, 或是草丛中的平坦脚。 你肯定看不见缺齿或不正确的咬合。 在欧洲,评审员一定宣读让每个人知道他如何评断的公告。 美国的评审员省略了这种程序。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana">This is what a judge does in two and a half minutes in front of a partisan audience. No one ever said it was easy. Common sense indicates all judges have a specialty breed. All knowledge of other breeds is acquired knowledge, sometimes in the face of angry exhibitors.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">这是一个评审员在同行和听众面前一分半钟内做的事情。 没有人说过它是件容易的事。 一般上讲所有的评审员有一个专门擅长的犬种。有时面对愤怒的展示者,其他的犬种的所有相关知也是必须的。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">What does this say about exhibiting purebred dogs? There is no perfect dog. The one picked at a particular show is the dog <u>closest</u> to the standard the judge has pictured in his mind of the ideal Doberman. A judge can only judge what is presented to him. The exhibitor must be patient. If he has a good dog his time will come.</font> </p><p><font face="Verdana">这个关于纯血犬展示说明了什么? 没有完美无缺的狗。一只在一场专门的SHOW中被选择的杜宾犬是最接近评审员心目中勾画的理想杜宾犬标准的那只。一个评审员只能评审他看到的。展示者必须忍耐。如果他有好狗他机会就会来。</font></p>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-13 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
<p>文中有些翻译失误,在此更正</p><p>“检查turn of stifle”</p><p><font color="#ff0000">stifle<font color="#000000">在这里指的是</font>后膝关节,<font color="#000000">checking turn of stifle我的理解是</font>检查后膝关节的转向。</font><font color="#000000">即</font><font color="#000000">检查是否Cow-hocked 、Bow hocked......</font></p>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-13 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font face="Verdana">The handler is asked to move the dog down and back on a loose lead, at a moderate pace. A good handler can lessen faults. A cow-hocked dog is moved quickly going away. Conversely a dog close in rear is walked away at a slower pace. Front deviations can also be obscured. </font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Handler被要求在一个宽松的牵引下以适度的速度往返移动狗。 一个好的Handler能减少失误。 一只有牛样及弯曲跗关节的狗会被他很快地被移动走开。相反,一只后驱靠近(宽度不够)狗会以一个比较慢的速度离开。前面的缺陷同样也能被隐藏。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Handler被要求在一个宽松的牵引下以适度的速度往返牵引狗。 一个好的Handler能减轻狗本身缺陷的显露。 一只cow-hocked的狗会被牵引得很快,领先(其他狗)很多。 相反,一只后驱宽度不够的狗会以一个比较慢的速度走过。前躯的偏差同样能被掩饰。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana">Crossovers are minimized moving quickly at the judge and not in a straight line. These are nuances of handling and require years of experience. Some judges require a triangle but the down and back seems more efficient. Watch the dog going around to assess side movement. Coming and going check for legs moving in a straight line. In the sound mover the front legs are an extension of the shoulder and gradually converge towards the center as speed increases. Common deviations are moving too wide in front, too close in rear, side-winding, paddling, high stepping, loose elbows, flipping pasterns, and other inefficient gaits that prevent the dog from tireless, ground covering movement. Many times dogs do not move as well as they could because they are not in condition or are poorly trained. It is also difficult to evaluate a dog who is looking up at his handler or sniffing the ground. The well-conditioned and trained dog moves in a straight line down and back, with drive and determination. Many handlers cause their dogs to move inefficiently by using a tight lead. The dog on a loose lead moves best.</font> <font face="Verdana">转折线路被减到最少,在评审员前很快地移动而且不在一条直线上。 这些牵犬(动作的)配合操作需要多年的经验。 一些评审员要求除了往返的运动外(以)一个三角形(运动)似乎很有效。观察狗的转圈运动来评估它的side movement。</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Verdana">(通过)来和去检查腿部的运动是否在一条直线上。在一个完好的动态中,前腿是肩的延长并且在速度加快时逐渐地移向身体的中心。 通常的缺陷有前肢移动时(距离)太宽, 后肢太接近, side-winding,划桨步,高踏步,loose 肘部, flipping 跗关节, 以及其他导致狗不能不知疲倦、持续运动的无效率步态。许多时候狗不能尽其所能地良好运动是因为他们不在状态或训练不足。评估一只正在看他的Handler或正在嗅地面的狗也是困难的。一只精神抖擞和经过良好训练的犬,凭借驱动力和坚定(的心理状态)在一条笔直的路线上往返运动。 很多Handler使用紧迫的牵引方法造成他们的狗无效率运动。 一个在宽松的牵引下的狗运动得最好。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></p><p><font face="Verdana"></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">存在交叉步这种缺陷的犬在裁判面前快速运动时和做非直线运动时的影响最小。 这些是牵犬的细节,需要多年的经验积累。 一些裁判会要求Handler走三角路线,但是直线往返看起来更有效。观察犬只做圆周运动来评估它的侧面运动,</font><font face="Verdana">观察犬只进行直线的来回运动来检查犬只的腿。在一个完好的动态中,前腿是肩的延伸并且在速度加快时逐渐地移向身体的中心。 通常的缺陷有前肢移动时(距离)太宽, 后肢太接近, side-winding,划桨步,高踏步,loose elbows, flipping 跗关节, 以及其他导致狗疲倦、效率低下的步态。许多时候狗不能尽其所能地良好运动是因为他们不在状态或训练不足。评估一只正在看着Handler或正在嗅地面的狗也是困难的。一只精神抖擞并经过良好训练的犬在做直线线往返运动的时候应该是充满力量和坚定。 很多Handler牵引时造成的犬只低效率运动是因为过度紧绷的牵引方式,犬只在宽松的牵引下才能运动得最好。</font></p><font face="Verdana">ps:Crossovers应该是特指运动上存在交叉步这种缺陷的那些犬。</font> 一旦涉及到犬的运动和结构,这时候出现的词汇和句子实在是晦涩难懂,真希望能有一个这方面的词汇集和图例说明。
发表于 2007-7-21 03:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-10 02:05 | 显示全部楼层
中国松狮犬+ p- B8 i2 N& h- n! r& y$ [; o
松狮价格) Y( f% m% d. o
  n  m1 H- C# B$ E
发表于 2008-9-11 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
松狮狗价格& X7 M* O# r2 E- \2 O8 P8 \& [
4 b0 d- g) V7 Z2 K' G  `, K北京松狮出售
( |) t4 k" a7 A. s7 _
发表于 2020-10-23 00:44 | 显示全部楼层
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