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发表于 2005-3-11 22:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<p><b><font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#3c3cc4" size="4">大家一起来,积少成多,这对热衷于研究的朋友会是一个帮助!</font></b></p><p>"STOP",原来是指停止的意思,在犬种里有特殊的含义,"STOP"是指连接头盖骨与鼻梁的线段.</p><p>Anal face 肛门脸 -- 在狗尾巴下面的区域,像是狗的身份证一样。在狗与狗接触的时候,这里一定是要闻的重要部位。阶级地位高的狗拥有特权可以嗅另一只狗的这个部位。</p><p>Anal Glands -- 肛门腺</p><p>Apron -- 围领。某些品种的狗颈部的长毛,如柯利牧羊犬(Rough Collie)。</p><p>Bat ears -- 蝙蝠耳。长而直立的耳朵,根部宽广,顶部略呈圆形(像蝙蝠的耳朵)。法国斗牛就是这种耳型。</p><p>Blaze -- 白纹。前额细细的白色条纹,通常对分两眼。</p><p>Bloodline -- 血统。指的是在血统书上记载纯种狗的祖先。这个名词的缘起是以前人们误以为血液会遗传某些基因特征。</p><p>Bloom -- 光泽。健康狗毛上的光泽</p><p>Blue merle -- 蓝灰色。蓝色与夹杂黑色的灰色,在柯利、大丹、腊肠犬身上可以见到。产生这种颜色的基因大多伴随着眼盲、耳聋的缺陷。</p><p>Breed -- 品种。同种动物因其特征不同所作的次级分类,各个品种由主观的条件界定。</p><p>Breed defects 品种缺陷。为了达成“理想中的美丽”以及“原始的面貌”所进行的“选择性育种”可能会造成生理上的缺陷,发生品种缺陷.比如:斗牛犬头部大,骨盆窄,给生产造成麻烦,通常需要剖腹生产。波士顿梗生产时容易有并发症,而且由于眼球突出容易患角膜炎。像有斑纹的大丹犬、腊肠犬、柯利犬常常是瞎子、聋子。松狮和沙皮都有病理性的眼缝狭小症,圣伯纳眼球于下眼睑检举过宽,德国牧羊犬容易髋关节发育不良等。</p><p>Breeder -- 繁殖主。拥有怀孕或产子的纯种母狗的人。</p><p>Breed screening -- 育种筛选。</p><p>Breed standard -- 品种标准。</p><p>Brindle -- 虎斑。在浅色皮毛上有深色条纹。如大丹、斗牛、拳师和牛头梗。</p><p>Brisket -- 胸部。前腿之间的胸腔。</p><p>Broken -- 不规则。皮毛上不规则的花样。</p><p>Brush -- 刷状尾。像狐狸一样,毛量丰厚的尾巴。</p><p>Burr -- 耳朵内侧。</p><p>Butterfly nose -- 蝴蝶鼻。有粉红色块的黑色鼻子。</p><p>Button ears 纽扣耳。如英国斗牛的耳朵。</p><p>withers - 马肩隆 </p><p>颜色分类:</p><p>1白色white </p><p>2黑色black</p><p>3红色red </p><p>4褐色brown </p><p>5暗红褐色chocolate </p><p>6栗色chestunt </p><p>7赤褐色liver</p><p>8茶褐色mahogany </p><p>9黄色yellow </p><p>10淡黄褐色fawn </p><p>11黄褐色tan </p><p>12铁锈色rust </p><p>13小麦色wheaten </p><p>14淡黄色fallow </p><p>15奶油色cream </p><p>16金黄色gold </p><p>17柠檬色lemon </p><p>18橘黄色orange </p><p>19杏仁色apricot </p><p>20枯草色deadgress </p><p>21 honey 蜂蜜色 </p><p>22芥末色mustard </p><p>23砂色sandy </p><p>24蓝色blue </p><p>25灰色grey </p><p>26银色silver</p><p>27胡椒色pepper </p><p>28灰褐色smoke </p><p>29胡麻色 grizzle </p><p>30狼色wolf </p><p>31史伯色sable </p><p>32虎色tiger brindle </p><p>33布林达色brindle </p><p>34贝尔顿belton </p><p>35隆色roan </p><p>36单色solid color </p><p>37三色tri-color </p><p>38splash </p><p>39椒盐色pepper and salt </p><p>40斑patch </p><p><b><u>用于喜乐蒂的基本颜色</u></b></p><p>SABLE</p><p>Pure SABLE 纯貂色 Shaded SABLE 深貂色</p><p>BLACK</p><p>TRI COLOR 三色 BI-BLCAK 黑白色 </p><p>BLUE</p><p>Blue merle 大理石色 Bi-Blue 银灰色大理石 double merle 双色大理石</p><p></p>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-11 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
<table border="1"><tbody><tr><td>AKC</td><td><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">American Kennel Club</font></a></td></tr><tr><td>AOM</td><td>Judge's Award of Merit (also referred to as a JAM)</td></tr><tr><td>APC</td><td><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">American Pomeranian Club</font></a></td></tr><tr><td>B&amp;T</td><td>Black and Tan (also used to refer to Black and Rust).</td></tr><tr><td>BAIM</td><td>Best Adult In Match</td></tr><tr><td>BAISM</td><td>Best Adult In Specialty Match</td></tr><tr><td>BBE</td><td>Bred-By-Exhibitor</td></tr><tr><td>BIM</td><td>Best In Match</td></tr><tr><td>BIS</td><td>Best In Show</td></tr><tr><td>BISM</td><td>Best In Specialty Match</td></tr><tr><td>BISS</td><td>Best In Specialty Show</td></tr><tr><td>BOB</td><td>Best of Breed</td></tr><tr><td>BOS</td><td>Best of Opposite Sex (to Best of Breed)</td></tr><tr><td>BOW</td><td>Best of Winners - awarded to either the Winners Bitch or the Winners Dog, depending on which one the judge feels better meets the breed standard.</td></tr><tr><td>BPIM</td><td>Best Puppy In Match</td></tr><tr><td>BPISM</td><td>Best Puppy In Specialty Match</td></tr><tr><td>breeder</td><td>The person who owned (or leased) the dam of a litter at the time the litter was whelped.</td></tr><tr><td>CD</td><td>Companion Dog - the first level of AKC obedience titles.</td></tr><tr><td>CGC</td><td>Canine Good Citizen - this is an AKC test, open to pure and mixed breed dogs, which tests dogs for basic obedience and manners around strange people, other dogs, and distractions.</td></tr><tr><td>Ch.</td><td>Champion of record.</td></tr><tr><td>CKC</td><td>Canadian Kennel Club. Also, the Continental Kennel Club - an organization set up by and for commercial breeders.</td></tr><tr><td>finish</td><td>A dog is "finished" when it completes the requirements for its championship.</td></tr><tr><td>GC</td><td>Gold Club - this is a title given by the APC to dogs with exceptional show records. See the <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">Historical Awards</font></a> section of the APC's web site for current requirements.</td></tr><tr><td>group</td><td>The AKC divides all recognised breeds into several groups. The Pomeranian is a member of the Toy Group. At all-breed shows, all the dogs who were awarded Best of Breed compete in their respective groups. Those who win their group ("go Group 1") then compete against the other group winners for Best In Show. Group 2 - second place in their group; Group 3 - third place in their group; Group 4 - fourth place in their group.</td></tr><tr><td>HOF</td><td>Hall of Fame - this is a title bestowed by the APC to dogs with exceptional show records. See the <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">Historical Awards</font></a> section of the APC's web site for current requirements.</td></tr><tr><td>HIT</td><td>High In (Obedience) Trial</td></tr><tr><td>leg</td><td>This term is used by performance (obedience, tracking, hunting. etc...) exhibitors to indicate that a dog has received a qualifying score. Obedience titles, for example, require three legs.</td></tr><tr><td>major</td><td>Major Win - a dog needs two majors (awarded by different judges) included in its 15 championship points to complete its championship. A major win is worth three, four, or five points.</td></tr><tr><td>match</td><td>Matches are generally considered practice sessions for dogs, handlers and future judges. No championship points are awarded at matches and frequently puppies are not competed against adults.</td></tr><tr><td>points</td><td>The nose pad, lips, eye rims and foot pads together are referred to as the dog's points. Also, referring to the championship points (15) required to be won before a dog can become an AKC champion.</td></tr><tr><td>pull</td><td>A dog has been "pulled", or has "made the cut", if the judge decides to keep it for further consideration.</td></tr><tr><td>ROM</td><td>Register of Merit - This is a title given by the APC to Pomeranians which have produced an exceptional number of titled offspring. See the <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">Historical Awards</font></a> section of the APC's web site for current requirements.</td></tr><tr><td>ROMS</td><td>Register of Merit Supreme - This is a title given by the APC to Pomeranians which have produced an exceptional number of titled offspring. See the <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">Historical Awards</font></a> section of the APC's web site for current requirements.</td></tr><tr><td>ROMX</td><td>Register of Merit Excellent - This is a title awarded by the APC to Pomeranians which have produced an exceptional number of titled offspring. See the <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000000">Historical Awards</font></a> section of the APC's web site for current requirements.</td></tr><tr><td>RWB</td><td>Reserve Winners Bitch</td></tr><tr><td>RWD</td><td>Reserve Winners Dog</td></tr><tr><td>special</td><td>A dog which has completed its championship and is concidered good enough by its owners to continue competing. Generally, specials are dogs that completed their championships easily.</td></tr><tr><td>specialty</td><td>A specialty show is a show in which only one breed competes (although some are held in conjunction with all-breed shows, in which case the BISS may also compete for BIS).</td></tr><tr><td>sweepstakes</td><td>A mini-specialty, often for puppies or veterans only. Sweepstakes carry no championship points but are the only classes where a percentage of the entry fees are awarded to the winners.</td></tr><tr><td>WB</td><td>Winners Bitch - The Winners Bitch is the only female of that breed to receive championship points.</td></tr><tr><td>WD </td><td>Winners Dog - The Winners Dog is the only male of that breed to receive championship points.</td></tr></tbody></table>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-11 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-14 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
<b>一些专用术语</b> <font color="#9277ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><b><u><font size="5">Dog Show Lingo</font></u> (lingo,方言, 行话, 隐语) </b></font><u><b><font face="Arial">Dog--a male canine <u><b>Bitch</b></u>--a female canine <u><b>Put up</b></u>--placed in a class or better <u><b>Put down</b></u>--not put up for any award <u><b>Ringer</b></u>--a substitute for; a dog closely resembling another dog <u><b>Pointed</b></u>--has earned at least one point towards AKC bench or field championship <u><b>Major pointed</b></u>--has earned at least one major toward AKC bench or field championship <u><b>Cluster</b></u>--a group of consecutive shows held at the same show site <u><b>Circuit</b></u>--a convenient string of consecutive shows at different locations, not far apart <u><b>Hander's show/Handler draw</b></u>--a show that draws large numbers of professional handlers <u><b>Specialty</b></u>--a show for one breed only, usually offering more classes and prizes <u><b>Supported Entry</b></u>--a show where large numbers of the supported breed will be shown, but not a specialty <u><b>Bench show</b></u>--a show where the exhibits (the dogs) must be on display all day <u><b>Nationa</b>l</u>--the specialty put on by the parent club, usually the largest <u><b>Parent Club</b></u>--the national club for the breed in the USA <u><b>Sire</b></u>--male parent <u><b>Dam</b></u>--female parent <u><b>Stud dog</b></u>--a male dog used for breeding purposes <u><b>Brood bitch</b></u>--a bitch used for breeding purposes <u><b>Foundation Bitch</b></u>--a bitch used for starting a line of one's own <u><b>Line</b></u>--refers to a distinctive "family" of dogs in specified breed; each breeder has his/her own distinct "line" <u><b>Inbreeding</b></u>--the breeding of immediately related specimens (i.e. brother x sister) <u><b>Linebreeding</b></u>--the breeding of closely related dogs, but not close enough to be considered inbreeding <u><b>Outcrossing</b></u>--the breeding of unrelated specimens; breeding to a dog or bitch from another line </font></b></u>--a male canine <u><b>Bitch</b></u>--a female canine <u><b>Put up</b></u>--placed in a class or better <u><b>Put down</b></u>--not put up for any award <u><b>Ringer</b></u>--a substitute for; a dog closely resembling another dog <u><b>Pointed</b></u>--has earned at least one point towards AKC bench or field championship <u><b>Major pointed</b></u>--has earned at least one major toward AKC bench or field championship <u><b>Cluster</b></u>--a group of consecutive shows held at the same show site <u><b>Circuit</b></u>--a convenient string of consecutive shows at different locations, not far apart <u><b>Hander's show/Handler draw</b></u>--a show that draws large numbers of professional handlers <u><b>Specialty</b></u>--a show for one breed only, usually offering more classes and prizes <u><b>Supported Entry</b></u>--a show where large numbers of the supported breed will be shown, but not a specialty <u><b>Bench show</b></u>--a show where the exhibits (the dogs) must be on display all day <u><b>Nationa</b>l</u>--the specialty put on by the parent club, usually the largest <u><b>Parent Club</b></u>--the national club for the breed in the USA <u><b>Sire</b></u>--male parent <u><b>Dam</b></u>--female parent <u><b>Stud dog</b></u>--a male dog used for breeding purposes <u><b>Brood bitch</b></u>--a bitch used for breeding purposes <u><b>Foundation Bitch</b></u>--a bitch used for starting a line of one's own <u><b>Line</b></u>--refers to a distinctive "family" of dogs in specified breed; each breeder has his/her own distinct "line" <u><b>Inbreeding</b></u>--the breeding of immediately related specimens (i.e. brother x sister) <u><b>Linebreeding</b></u>--the breeding of closely related dogs, but not close enough to be considered inbreeding <u><b>Outcrossing</b></u>--the breeding of unrelated specimens; breeding to a dog or bitch from another line </font>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-14 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
<b>Dog Show Lingo 犬展专用术语</b> <b><u><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#56cc56" size="5">In the Show Ring</font></u></b><font color="#56cc56"><font face="System"> </font><u><b><font face="Verdana">Stack--a show dog's standing pose <u><b>Free Stack</b></u>--a show dog's natural pose w/out being touched by the handler <u><b>Gait</b></u>--refering to the extended trot of a dog in the show ring <u><b>Bait</b></u>--food, treats, or toys used to get a dog's attention, expression, or free stack in the ring <u><b>Baiting</b></u>--the use of bait <u><b>Six to Nine</b></u>--refers to the dog show class for puppies six months or over and under nine months <u><b>Nine to Twelve</b></u>--same as above, only between nine and twelve months <u>Twelve to Eighteen</u>--see above <b><u>Open</u>--</b>usually the largest and most competitive class (note; I said <u>usually</u>) for all dogs <u><b>Special</b></u>--refering to a champion of recorder who is still being shown and campaigned <u><b>'Breed</b></u>--having won the Best of Breed or Variety award: EX: "Fido took the breed on Sunday" <u><b>'Opposite</b></u>--having won the Best of Opposite Sex award, same context as above <b><u>Winners</u>--</b>having taken (won) Winners Dog or Winners Bitch <u><b>'Reserve</b></u>--having taken Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch <u><b>Making the cut/Getting pulled</b></u>--being selected out of a larger group for further examination by the judge <b><u>P.I.G.</u>--</b>pulled in Group; a dog that mad the cut in the group ring <u><b>The Cut</b></u>--the handful of dogs that the judge wishes to further consider for placements; those that don't make the cut are typically dismissed.</font></b></u>--a show dog's standing pose <u><b>Free Stack</b></u>--a show dog's natural pose w/out being touched by the handler <u><b>Gait</b></u>--refering to the extended trot of a dog in the show ring <u><b>Bait</b></u>--food, treats, or toys used to get a dog's attention, expression, or free stack in the ring <u><b>Baiting</b></u>--the use of bait <u><b>Six to Nine</b></u>--refers to the dog show class for puppies six months or over and under nine months <u><b>Nine to Twelve</b></u>--same as above, only between nine and twelve months <u>Twelve to Eighteen</u>--see above <b><u>Open</u>--</b>usually the largest and most competitive class (note; I said <u>usually</u>) for all dogs <u><b>Special</b></u>--refering to a champion of recorder who is still being shown and campaigned <u><b>'Breed</b></u>--having won the Best of Breed or Variety award: EX: "Fido took the breed on Sunday" <u><b>'Opposite</b></u>--having won the Best of Opposite Sex award, same context as above <b><u>Winners</u>--</b>having taken (won) Winners Dog or Winners Bitch <u><b>'Reserve</b></u>--having taken Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch <u><b>Making the cut/Getting pulled</b></u>--being selected out of a larger group for further examination by the judge <b><u>P.I.G.</u>--</b>pulled in Group; a dog that mad the cut in the group ring <u><b>The Cut</b></u>--the handful of dogs that the judge wishes to further consider for placements; those that don't make the cut are typically dismissed.</font><a href="" target="_blank"><font face="Verdana" color="#56cc56"><img src="" alt=""/></font></a>
发表于 2005-3-15 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-26 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-4-27 23:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-5-5 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-2 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
真是复杂啊 [em02]
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