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发表于 2006-2-10 20:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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General Appearance <br/>The Cocker Spaniel is the smallest member of the Sporting Group. He has a sturdy, compact body and a cleanly chiseled and refined head, with the overall dog in complete balance and of ideal size. He stands well up at the shoulder on straight forelegs with a topline sloping slightly toward strong, moderately bent, muscular quarters. He is a dog capable of considerable speed, combined with great endurance. Above all, he must be free and merry, sound, well balanced throughout and in action show a keen inclination to work. A dog well balanced in all parts is more desirable than a dog with strongly contrasting good points and faults. <br/><br/>总体外貌 <br/>可卡是运动犬组中最小的。他有强健、紧凑的身体和轮廓分明、优雅的头部,犬的整体有完美的平衡感和理想的尺寸。他直站时前腿笔直,肩部耸起,背线向强壮、略弯曲、肌肉发达的后躯略微下倾。可卡拥有相当可观的速度,并且有很好的耐力。最重要的是,可卡是自由的、欢快的、华丽的,在运动中显示出很好的平衡,并且表现出很强的工作欲望。一只各部分有很好平衡的犬远比一只优点和缺点都非常显著的犬要可取。 <br/><br/>Size, Proportion, Substance <br/>Size-- The ideal height at the withers for an adult dog is 15 inches and for an adult *****, 14 inches. Height may vary one-half inch above or below this ideal. A dog whose height exceeds 15&amp;frac12; inches or a ***** whose height exceeds 14&amp;frac12; inches shall be disqualified. An adult dog whose height is less than 14&amp;frac12; inches and an adult ***** whose height is less than 13&amp;frac12; inches shall be penalized. Height is determined by a line perpendicular to the ground from the top of the shoulder blades, the dog standing naturally with its forelegs and lower hind legs parallel to the line of measurement. Proportion--The measurement from the breast bone to back of thigh is slightly longer than the measurement from the highest point of withers to the ground. The body must be of sufficient length to permit a straight and free stride; the dog never appears long and low. <br/><br/>尺寸、比例和骨骼 <br/>尺寸:一只成年公犬在马肩隆处的高度最理想应为15英寸,母犬14英寸,高度允许在上下1/2英寸的范围内浮动。一只成年公犬的身高超过15.5英寸,或一只成年母犬的身高高于14.4英寸均视为失格。一只成年公犬的身高如低于14.5英寸,或一只成年母犬的身高低于13.5英寸,应扣分。高度由从肩胛骨到地面的垂线决定,测量时犬应自然站立,前腿和略低的后腿平行于测量线。比例:从胸骨到大腿骨的后端就比马肩隆处的高度略长。身体必须有足够的长度以保证直而轻快的步态;犬不应有长而矮的体形。 <br/><br/>
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-10 20:22 | 显示全部楼层
Head <br/>To attain a well proportioned head, which must be in balance with the rest of the dog, it embodies the following: Expression--The expression is intelligent, alert, soft and appealing. Eyes--Eyeballs are round and full and look directly forward. The shape of the eye rims gives a slightly almond shaped appearance; the eye is not weak or goggled. The color of the iris is dark brown and in general the darker the better. Ears--Lobular, long, of fine leather, well feathered, and placed no higher than a line to the lower part of the eye. Skull--Rounded but not exaggerated with no tendency toward flatness; the eyebrows are clearly defined with a pronounced stop. The bony structure beneath the eyes is well chiseled with no prominence in the cheeks. The muzzle is broad and deep, with square even jaws. To be in correct balance, the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose is one half the distance from the stop up over the crown to the base of the skull. Nose--of sufficient size to balance the muzzle and foreface, with well developed nostrils typical of a sporting dog. It is black in color in the blacks, black and tans, and black and whites; in other colors it may be brown, liver or black, the darker the better. The color of nose harmonizes with the color of the eye rim. Lips--The upper lip is full and of sufficient depth to cover the lower jaw. Teeth--Teeth strong and sound, not too small and meet in a scissors bite. <br/><br/>头部 <br/>一个比例均匀的头部(头部应与身体的其他部分保持平衡)应包括以下部分—表情:表情应是机智、警觉、温柔和动人的。眼睛:圆而饱满,直视前方。眼眶的形状使眼睛略呈杏仁状;眼睛无神或是瞪视;总体而言,虹膜应为深棕色,颜色越深越好。耳朵:小叶状,长,毛发丰富,耳根不高于眼睛的底部。头骨:圆,但不能过分夸张,不能有平坦的趋势;明显的额段使眉更加分明。眼部以下的骨骼结构轮廓分明,颊部没有突起。口吻部宽且深,上下颚方而平。为了保持正确的平衡,从额段到鼻尖的距离应是额段向上越过头顶到枕骨的距离的一半。鼻子:应有足够的尺寸与口吻部和前脸保持平衡,鼻孔发达,具有运动犬种的典型特征。黑色、黑白、黑棕色犬的鼻子应为黑色,其他颜色的犬可为棕色、肝棕色或黑色,颜色越深越好。鼻子的颜色应与眼眶协调。嘴唇:上唇丰厚,有足够的深度盖住下颚。牙齿:牙齿强壮,稳固,不能太小,应为剪状咬合。 <br/><br/>Neck, Topline, Body <br/>Neck--The neck is sufficiently long to allow the nose to reach the ground easily, muscular and free from pendulous "throatiness." It rises strongly from the shoulders and arches slightly as it tapers to join the head. Topline--sloping slightly toward muscular quarters. Body--The chest is deep, its lowest point no higher than the elbows, its front sufficiently wide for adequate heart and lung space, yet not so wide as to interfere with the straightforward movement of the forelegs. Ribs are deep and well sprung. Back is strong and sloping evenly and slightly downward from the shoulders to the set-on of the docked tail. The docked tail is set on and carried on a line with the topline of the back, or slightly higher; never straight up like a Terrier and never so low as to indicate timidity. When the dog is in motion the tail action is merry. <br/><br/>脖子、背线和身体 <br/>脖子:脖子应有足够的长度使犬的鼻子可以轻易地碰到地面,肌肉发达,咽喉以下的皮肤不能过分松驰下垂。脖颈从肩部升起,略拱,到与头部的联接处略微收细。背线:向强健的后躯略微地下倾。身体:胸深,最低点不高于肘部,身体前部有足够的宽度以容纳心和肺,但不能太宽以至影响前腿直向前的运动。肋笼深,曲率良好。背部强壮,从肩至尾根略下倾。截尾,尾部与背线保持很好的延续,平于背线或略高,但不能象梗类犬一样直竖,也不能太低,以使犬显得胆怯。犬运动时,尾部动作欢快。 <br/><br/>Forequarters <br/>The shoulders are well laid back forming an angle with the upper arm of approximately 90 degrees which permits the dog to move his forelegs in an easy manner with forward reach. Shoulders are clean-cut and sloping without protrusion and so set that the upper points of the withers are at an angle which permits a wide spring of rib. When viewed from the side with the forelegs vertical, the elbow is directly below the highest point of the shoulder blade. Forelegs are parallel, straight, strongly boned and muscular and set close to the body well under the scapulae. The pasterns are short and strong. Dewclaws on forelegs may be removed. Feet compact, large, round and firm with horny pads; they turn neither in nor out. <br/><br/>前躯 <br/>肩充分向后,与上臂差不约成90度,这样犬的前腿可以轻松地运动,向前跨出。肩轮廓分明,略倾,没有突起,马肩隆的尖端成一角度,以保证肋笼有足够的曲率。从侧面看,前腿垂直地面,肘部正好位于肩胛最高处的下面。前腿平行,直,骨骼强壮,肌肉发达,紧靠身体,位于肩胛的正下方。掌骨短而强壮。前腿伪趾可去除。足部紧凑,大而圆,足垫坚硬,足既不能向撇也不能向外撇[em01][em01][em01]
发表于 2006-2-10 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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