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发表于 2006-2-22 22:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本來近親配種是一種含高度技巧、有系統、和需要專家才可進行成功的一種繁殖方法 <p></p><br/>無錯,近親配種 (INBREEDING) 是一種繁殖的方式,但是這種繁殖的方式只是局限於專家和有經驗的繁殖者,而在這裡所指的專家不是我們想像中那麼簡單,而且是非一般人可以做到的。 這些專家不但要對犬種、遺傳學、動物學、...有相當的研究,他們只是專注繁殖某一種犬種,而且在他畢生的經驗裏,用很多科學的方法來區分優良因子和非優良的因子,而從而改良這一個血統的遺傳因子。不過,大家要清楚地知道,這些專家當他們繁殖到一些沒有比以前優越的品種時,他們絕對不會再讓牠繁殖下去。這種專業精神我猜一般的生產工場是根本沒有考慮到的。反正對他們來說產量越多越好。 <p></p><br/>所以,根據 UKC 的 法則,他們亦不會提倡近親繁殖 !!! (附UKC 原文) 所以對UKC 來說,如果有一隻狗仔是近親繁殖出來的,在牠的血統証明書上亦有標明 [近親繁殖]這些字眼。 那為什麼要這樣做呢?註明在血統証明書上,就是希望讓一些沒有那麼專業的人士當他們買得這隻狗時有心理準備, 如要繁殖時該考慮及研究清楚一切所潛在的利與幣。 <p></p><br/>在香港,相信懂得及熟練這種近親繁殖的專業知識和技術的繁殖者數量不多,他們應該只是專注繁殖某一種品種,而牠們的後代也只會在狗展的比賽圈中見到,而非一般在市面上出售的寵物。所以,我們並不認為一般的繁殖場會具有這種專業的知識,懂得怎樣去處理近親繁殖,更加不相信他們會讓一些因近親繁殖而有不良遺傳因子的狗隻停止繁殖下去。所以,在我們的文章中所指出的狗仔生產工廠利用近親繁殖而帶來的遺傳問題是正確的。 除非這隻狗仔有血統証明書,而買的人又懂得怎樣去評估牠的上一代留給牠的遺傳因子是否因近親配種而改良呢? <p></p><br/>在狹義的條件下 (subject to many conditions),近親繁殖是可以改良品種的;但是在廣義的條件下,近親繁殖是不主張的。 就算在狹義的條件下,利用不同的近親繁殖方法去改良品種的學說也意見分歧。 我們非常多謝熱心的網友提出近親繁殖的題目來,上文沒有針對近親繁殖在技術性方面 (technical aspect) 的演繹,原因是 --- 本意為了平反被人誤解的品種而訴說稀有品種在港被引入後,狗仔生產工廠利用近親繁殖而帶來的遺傳問題。 相信這些狗仔生產工廠利用近親繁殖的動機並沒有上述所講的那麼偉大…….!!!! <p></p><br/><p></p><br/>INBREEDING U.K.C. REGISTERED DOGS<br/>(extracted from <p></p><br/><p>U.K.C. DEFINITIONS </p><br/><p>Three terms commonly used in breeding purebred dogs are "inbreeding," "line breeding" and "out crossing." "Inbreeding" is the mating of closely related animals such as father and daughter, mother and son, or brother and sister. "Line breeding" is mating more distantly related animals of a similar type, such as cousin to cousin, uncle to niece, etc. "Out crossing" is the mating of totally unrelated animals within a given breed. </p><br/><p>BACKGROUND </p><br/><p>All purebred domestic animals were developed using inbreeding and line breeding. Inbreeding dramatically reduces variability. If the Sire and Dam are brother and sister, for example, they are genetically very similar. If this brother and sister are genetically superior dogs, mating them increases the chance of producing genetically superior puppies. Unfortunately, while inbreeding concentrates the good genes, it also concentrates the bad. At our current level of technology, it is impossible to detect every hidden genetic defect in an outwardly superior animal. Theoretically, however, if a breeder inbreeds and ruthlessly culls his stock when problems arise, he can eventually breed superior dogs. </p><br/><p>A slightly slower and less risky means of achieving this goal is by line breeding. This is the technique used by the vast majority of responsible breeders. It still, however, requires a wide general knowledge of dogs and extensive knowledge of a specific breed. </p><br/><p>Out crossing is used by a breeder who wants to make a correction or improvement in some aspect of his stock. For example, a breeder may have exceptional dogs in every respect but one. He looks for a stud dog who is strong where his are weak and who is unrelated to his dogs. From that mating, the breeder would select only the offspring with the desired trait and breed those back into the family line. </p><br/><p>Inbreeding, line breeding and out crossing are the three tools by which breeders constantly strive to improve their stock. It has always been U.K.C. policy to discourage inbreeding except by the most experienced of breeders. Like many tools, inbreeding can be dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced. </p><br/><p>OFFICIAL POLICY AND GUIDELINES </p><br/><p>The following official U.K.C. policy and guidelines are provided to assist breeders in determining the course they wish to take in breeding their dogs. This information should be carefully read by all persons breeding or buying U.K.C. registered dogs. </p><br/><p>A dog whose Sire and Dam are closely related, e.g., father and daughter, mother and son, brother and sister, is considered to be "inbred." The word "INBRED" will appear on such a dog's green Puppy Registration Certificate, on his U.K.C. registration records, and on each U.K.C. Registration Certificate issued for him thereafter. </p><br/><p>The purpose of marking these records is to enable the buyers of inbred dogs to make informed choices about breeding them. United Kennel Club realizes that the average dog buyer may not be familiar with the science of genetics or know how to apply what he does know to his specific dog. The purchaser of an inbred dog is put on notice that, before breeding that dog, he must educate himself about the genetic history of his breed and his dog. </p><br/><p>U.K.C.-registered dogs are known for excellent working instincts, true breed type, good temperament, intelligence, and soundness. U.K.C. breeders take pride in the scarcity of congenital and hereditary defects in their dogs. To maintain this high standard, U.K.C. discourages casual breeding and particularly discourages inbreeding by anyone other than breed experts. </p>[em04]
发表于 2006-2-23 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-2-23 17:56 | 显示全部楼层
还真长知识了 谢谢!
发表于 2008-10-10 10:28 | 显示全部楼层
北京松狮狗9 U( e9 Z  Z! t. S, u
CHOW CHOW CHAMPION6 v# X) |/ o$ W" w
发表于 2008-10-22 02:28 | 显示全部楼层
0 W5 [: Z. V! L! q! a松狮犬交易信息
3 F2 q0 z. y: eHEALTH AND NUTRITION  }. L5 c6 O. y( D, ^# k( \1 g2 `
发表于 2008-11-16 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
' F6 `6 N- c. N1 e* ?" x中国松狮网
! I" }6 V: z( s3 g7 Z松狮网6 b4 a' C9 |; \0 v! {% O* C
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