<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2005-4/200542952046530.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=\'hand\'; this.alt=\'Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out\';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(\'attachments/dvbbs/2005-4/200542952046530.jpg\');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /> 美联社报道说,在此次海啸重灾区之一的印度泰米尔纳德邦的海边小村,有一条名叫塞尔万库马的小狗和一个5口之家生活在一起。当海啸气势汹汹地奔向海滩时,小狗的男主人在屋顶上向妻儿发出了简短的警报:“快跑!” 而地面上他的妻子桑吉塔却面临一个两难的境地:他们有三个儿子,但她只有两只手。无奈之下,她只能抓住两个年幼儿子的手,拼命向高处奔跑,并希望自己最大的孩子、7岁的迪纳卡兰也能跟着她一起逃出险境。但迪纳卡兰并没有跟上母亲和两个弟弟,而是向他自认为最安全的地方———离海岸只有大约40米的一个小棚屋跑去。见到孩子没有跟来,桑吉塔感到绝望了,认为自己再也不可能见到自己大儿子活着回来了。 在看到女主人流露出的绝望眼神之后,塞尔万库马毅然掉转头去追小主人。它一路咬着小主人的衣服,间或用鼻子拱着小主人,硬是将他给拽回了附近高处的安全地区。最终得救的迪纳卡兰感激地说:“塞尔万库马咬着我衬衫的衣领,把我拽了回来。” 对于小狗救主的义举,身为女主人的桑吉塔一开始并不知晓。她带着孩子穿过当地公路,抵达安全地带之后,就开始为自己“失去”的大儿子哭泣。她回忆说:“当时有烁嫠呶遥?壹业奈?饺??耍?业笔奔负蹩隙ㄈ衔?业暮⒆右丫?懒恕!币虼嗽诰?鹊乜吹酱蠖?雍托」方俸笥嗌??鱿衷谧约貉矍暗氖焙颍?馕荒盖撞唤?布???? 桑吉塔说,这条狗是自己生第二个孩子时,姐夫送给她的礼物。两年前,她的姐夫在一起事故中去世,一家人便用姐夫的名字塞尔万库马给狗命名。 Family dog saves boy from waves Sunday, January 2, 2005 Posted: 5:52 PM EST (2252 GMT) CHINNAKALAPET, India (AP) -- "Run away!" her husband screamed from a rooftop after he spotted the colossal waves. The command was simple but it presented Sangeeta with a dilemma: She had three sons, and only two arms. She grabbed the youngest two and ran -- figuring the oldest, 7-year-old Dinakaran, had the best chance of outrunning the tsunami churning towards her home. But Dinakaran didn't follow. He headed for the safest place he knew, the small family hut just 40 meters (yards) from the seashore. Sangeeta thought she would never see him again. The family dog saw to it that she did. While water lapped at Sangeeta's heels as she rushed up the hill, the scruffy yellow dog named Selvakumar ducked into the hut after Dinakaran. Nipping and nudging, he did everything in his canine power to get the boy up the hill. Sangeeta, who like many south Indians only uses one name, had no idea of the drama unfolding below. Once she had crossed the main road to safety she collapsed into tears, screaming over the loss of her eldest son. "I had heard from others that the wall of my house had collapsed, I felt sure that my child had died," said the 24-year-old mother. Selvakumar looks pretty much like every other dog in the village. He hardly ever barks and lets the three boys climb all over him and pull his tail without protest. At night, he joins the rest of the family and sleeps among them, no matter how may times they throw him out. Most days, the dog escorts Dinakaran to and from school, spending the rest of the day playing with the other two boys, or begging for food. Sangeeta's brother-in-law gave her the puppy, following the birth of her second son. When the brother-in-law died in an accident two years ago, they changed the dog's name to his. Sangeeta's family had always lived along the coast, just north of Pondicherry, a former French colony. The morning of December 26 began like most others, with sunny skies and a cool breeze. Sangeeta's husband, R. Ramakrishnan, had just returned from his early morning fishing with a boat full of fish. From their home, the view of the ocean was obstructed by a two-story community center. So when they heard a strange noise coming from the sea, Sangeeta's husband went to investigate. When Ramakrishnan saw the waves, he ran to the roof of the center and shouted down to Sangeeta to flee. That's when she made her agonizing choice. "He is somewhat older than the other two. I knew he would be able to run, so I grabbed the other two," Sangeeta explained. Dinakaran credits the dog with saving his life. "That dog grabbed me by the collar of my shirt," the boy said from under some trees at Pondicherry University, where the family is waiting for relief. "He dragged me out." Sangeeta said she wept with joy when she saw her son walking up to her, with Selvakumar by his side. The Tamils of south India believe that talking about the death of a living person can make it so, so Sangeeta didn't want to mull over her decision or speculate how she would have felt had her son not survived. She did say that she believes some special spirit, perhaps her brother-in-law's, resides in the young yellow dog. "That dog is my God," said Sangeeta -- with Dinakaran sitting on the ground at her feet and Selvakumar sleeping on the warm asphalt next to him.(vivichow) <p>全地带之后,就开始为自己“失去”的大儿子哭泣。她回忆说:“当时有烁嫠呶遥?壹业奈?饺??耍?业笔奔负蹩隙ㄈ衔?业暮⒆右丫?懒恕!币虼嗽诰?鹊乜吹酱蠖?雍托」方俸笥嗌??鱿衷谧约貉矍暗氖焙颍?馕荒盖撞唤?布???? </p><p>当时怎么了???</p> 黄松狮价格松狮俱乐部